.. _code-style: Code style ========== Consistency makes code more readable and easier for collaborators to jump in. SimPEG uses Black_ to autoformat its codebase, and flake8_ to lint its code and enforce style rules. Black_ can automatically format SimPEG's codebase to ensure it complies with Black code style. flake8_ performs style checks, raises warnings on code that could lead towards bugs, performs checks on consistent documentation formatting, and identifies poor coding practices. .. hint:: If you :ref:`configure pre-commit `, it will automatically run Black and flake8 on every commit. One can manually run Black_ and flake8_ anytime. Run ``black`` on SimPEG directories that contain Python source files: .. code:: black . Run ``flake8`` on the whole project with: .. code:: flake8 .. important:: Following code style rules can be challenging for new contributors. These rules are meant to ease the development process, not to generate an obstacle to contribute. Please, don't hesistate to **ask for help** if your contribution raises some flake8 errors. And **feel free to push** code that **don't follow our code style 100%** in :ref:`pull-requests`. Other developers will be there to help you solve them. .. note:: SimPEG is currently not `PEP 8 `_ compliant and is not following all flake8 rules, but we are working towards it and would appreciate contributions that do too! .. _Black: https://black.readthedocs.io/ .. _flake8: https://flake8.pycqa.org/ .. _pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com/