.. _documentation: Documentation ------------- Documentation helps others use your code! Please document new contributions. SimPEG tries to follow the `numpydoc` style of docstrings (check out the `style guide `_). SimPEG then uses `sphinx `_ to build the documentation. When documenting a new class or function, please include a description (with math if it solves an equation), inputs, outputs and preferably a small example. For example: .. code:: python class WeightedLeastSquares(BaseComboRegularization): r"""Weighted least squares measure on model smallness and smoothness. L2 regularization with both smallness and smoothness (first order derivative) contributions. Parameters ---------- mesh : discretize.base.BaseMesh The mesh on which the model parameters are defined. This is used for constructing difference operators for the smoothness terms. active_cells : array_like of bool or int, optional List of active cell indices, or a `mesh.n_cells` boolean array describing active cells. alpha_s : float, optional Smallness weight alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z : float or None, optional First order smoothness weights for the respective dimensions. `None` implies setting these weights using the `length_scale` parameters. alpha_xx, alpha_yy, alpha_zz : float, optional Second order smoothness weights for the respective dimensions. length_scale_x, length_scale_y, length_scale_z : float, optional First order smoothness length scales for the respective dimensions. mapping : simpeg.maps.IdentityMap, optional A mapping to apply to the model before regularization. reference_model : array_like, optional reference_model_in_smooth : bool, optional Whether to include the reference model in the smoothness terms. weights : None, array_like, or dict or array_like, optional User defined weights. It is recommended to interact with weights using the `get_weights`, `set_weights` functionality. Notes ----- The function defined here approximates: .. math:: \phi_m(\mathbf{m}) = \alpha_s \| W_s (\mathbf{m} - \mathbf{m_{ref}} ) \|^2 + \alpha_x \| W_x \frac{\partial}{\partial x} (\mathbf{m} - \mathbf{m_{ref}} ) \|^2 + \alpha_y \| W_y \frac{\partial}{\partial y} (\mathbf{m} - \mathbf{m_{ref}} ) \|^2 + \alpha_z \| W_z \frac{\partial}{\partial z} (\mathbf{m} - \mathbf{m_{ref}} ) \|^2 Note if the key word argument `reference_model_in_smooth` is False, then mref is not included in the smoothness contribution. If length scales are used to set the smoothness weights, alphas are respectively set internally using: >>> alpha_x = (length_scale_x * min(mesh.edge_lengths)) ** 2 """ Building the documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to see the documentation changes. In the repo's root directory, enter the following in your terminal. .. code:: make all Serving the documentation locally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the documentation is built. You can view it directly using the following command. This will automatically serve the docs and you can see them in your browser. .. code:: make serve