.. _0.14.1_notes: =========================== SimPEG 0.14.1 Release Notes =========================== June 8th, 2020 This release contains a few small bug fixes and parameter renaming for a few functions. New Things ========== The ``resitivity.Fields2D`` object now knows how to integrate its own fields! Meaning that you call get the ``phi``, ``j``, ``e``, ``charge``, and ``charge_density`` directly from the object itself without having to first call ``resistivity.simulation2D.fields_to_space(fields)``. Also behind the scenes on the ``resitivity.Simulation2D`` class, we have hopefully improved the accuracy of the underlying transformation from the wavenumber domain (where the solution is) to the space domain (where the world is). Deprecations ============ Resistivity Fields ------------------ Because of the improvement to the ``resitivity.Fields2D`` object, the previous ``resistivity.simulation2D.fields_to_space(fields)`` method has been deprecated. Resistivity Dipole source and receiver -------------------------------------- For the ``Dipole`` receiver in ``simpeg.electromagnetics.static.resistivity.receivers``, the ``locationsM`` and ``locationsN`` parameters are deprecated. They are now called ``locations_m`` and ``locations_n``. There are now two ways to create a ``Dipole`` receiver: .. code-block:: python rx = resistivity.receivers.Dipole(locations_m, locations_n) or .. code-block:: python rx = resistivity.receivers.Dipole(locations=(locations_m, locations_n)) Similarly, for the, ``Dipole`` source in ``simpeg.electromagnetics.static.resistivity.sources``, the ``locationA`` and ``locationB`` parameters are deprecated. They are now called ``location_a`` and ``location_b``. There are now also two ways to create a ``Dipole`` source: .. code-block:: python src = resistivity.sources.Dipole(rx_list, a_loc, b_loc) or .. code-block:: python src = resistivity.sources.Dipole(rx_list, location=(a_loc, b_loc)) ``static`` module cleanups -------------------------- The following attributes and methods have been deprecated and renamed * ``resistivity.Survey.m_locations`` -> ``resistivity.Survey.locations_m`` * ``resistivity.Survey.n_locations`` -> ``resistivity.Survey.locations_n`` * ``resistivity.Survey.a_locations`` -> ``resistivity.Survey.locations_a`` * ``resistivity.Survey.b_locations`` -> ``resistivity.Survey.locations_b`` * ``resistivity.Survey.drapeTopo`` -> ``resistivity.Survey.drape_electrodes_on_topography`` * ``utils.static_utils.gen_DCIPsurvey`` -> ``utils.static_utils.generate_dcip_survey`` Additionally the following method has been deprecated, renamed, and had a few keyword arguments deprecated as well. * ``utils.static_utils.plot_pseudoSection`` -> ``utils.static_utils.plot_pseudosection`` * ``pcolorOpts`` -> ``pcolor_opts`` * ``data_location`` -> ``data_locations`` The ``resistivity.Survey.getABMN_locations`` method is no longer necessary. Contributors ============ * @lheagy * @jcapriot * @sgkang * @domfournier * @adamkosik Pull requests ============= * `#881 `__: Bug fixes for 3D IP simulation * `#884 `__: Transform DC updates * `#885 `__: Fix IRLS Tutorial * `#889 `__: Import SolverLU straight from utils. * `#890 `__: Update CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Closed issues ============= * `#856 `__ * `#877 `__ * `#878 `__ * `#887 `__ * `#888 `__