.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "content/examples/20-published/plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note Click :ref:`here ` to download the full example code .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_content_examples_20-published_plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv.py: Heagy et al., 2017 1D RESOLVE Bookpurnong Inversion =================================================== In this example, perform a stitched 1D inversion of the Bookpurnong RESOLVE data. The original data can be downloaded from: `https://storage.googleapis.com/simpeg/bookpurnong/bookpurnong.tar.gz `_ The forward simulation is performed on the cylindrically symmetric mesh using :code:`SimPEG.electromagnetics.frequency_domain`. Lindsey J. Heagy, Rowan Cockett, Seogi Kang, Gudni K. Rosenkjaer, Douglas W. Oldenburg, A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 107, 2017, Pages 1-19, ISSN 0098-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2017.06.018. The script and figures are also on figshare: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5107711 This example was updated for SimPEG 0.14.0 on January 31st, 2020 by Joseph Capriotti .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 22-404 .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv_001.png :alt: (a) Recovered model, 9.9 m depth, (b) Obs (Real 400 Hz), (c) Pred (Real 400 Hz) :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/simpeg/bookpurnong/bookpurnong_inversion.tar.gz saved to: /home/vsts/work/1/s/examples/20-published/bookpurnong_inversion.tar.gz Download completed! -1186.799999353935 223.59999987827757 25.714073250740157 1150.0071749097713 | .. code-block:: default import h5py import tarfile import os import shutil import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pymatsolver import PardisoSolver from scipy.constants import mu_0 from scipy.spatial import cKDTree import discretize from SimPEG import ( maps, utils, data_misfit, regularization, optimization, inversion, inverse_problem, directives, data, ) from SimPEG.electromagnetics import frequency_domain as FDEM def download_and_unzip_data( url="https://storage.googleapis.com/simpeg/bookpurnong/bookpurnong_inversion.tar.gz", ): """ Download the data from the storage bucket, unzip the tar file, return the directory where the data are """ # download the data downloads = utils.download(url) # directory where the downloaded files are directory = downloads.split(".")[0] # unzip the tarfile tar = tarfile.open(downloads, "r") tar.extractall() tar.close() return downloads, directory def resolve_1Dinversions( mesh, dobs, src_height, freqs, m0, mref, mapping, relative=0.08, floor=1e-14, rxOffset=7.86, ): """ Perform a single 1D inversion for a RESOLVE sounding for Horizontal Coplanar Coil data (both real and imaginary). :param discretize.CylindricalMesh mesh: mesh used for the forward simulation :param numpy.ndarray dobs: observed data :param float src_height: height of the source above the ground :param numpy.ndarray freqs: frequencies :param numpy.ndarray m0: starting model :param numpy.ndarray mref: reference model :param maps.IdentityMap mapping: mapping that maps the model to electrical conductivity :param float relative: percent error used to construct the data misfit term :param float floor: noise floor used to construct the data misfit term :param float rxOffset: offset between source and receiver. """ # ------------------- Forward Simulation ------------------- # # set up the receivers bzr = FDEM.Rx.PointMagneticFluxDensitySecondary( np.array([[rxOffset, 0.0, src_height]]), orientation="z", component="real" ) bzi = FDEM.Rx.PointMagneticFluxDensity( np.array([[rxOffset, 0.0, src_height]]), orientation="z", component="imag" ) # source location srcLoc = np.array([0.0, 0.0, src_height]) source_list = [ FDEM.Src.MagDipole([bzr, bzi], freq, srcLoc, orientation="Z") for freq in freqs ] # construct a forward simulation survey = FDEM.Survey(source_list) prb = FDEM.Simulation3DMagneticFluxDensity( mesh, sigmaMap=mapping, Solver=PardisoSolver ) prb.survey = survey # ------------------- Inversion ------------------- # # data misfit term uncert = abs(dobs) * relative + floor dat = data.Data(dobs=dobs, standard_deviation=uncert) dmisfit = data_misfit.L2DataMisfit(simulation=prb, data=dat) # regularization regMesh = discretize.TensorMesh([mesh.h[2][mapping.maps[-1].indActive]]) reg = regularization.WeightedLeastSquares(regMesh) reg.mref = mref # optimization opt = optimization.InexactGaussNewton(maxIter=10) # statement of the inverse problem invProb = inverse_problem.BaseInvProblem(dmisfit, reg, opt) # Inversion directives and parameters target = directives.TargetMisfit() inv = inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[target]) invProb.beta = 2.0 # Fix beta in the nonlinear iterations reg.alpha_s = 1e-3 reg.alpha_x = 1.0 prb.counter = opt.counter = utils.Counter() opt.LSshorten = 0.5 opt.remember("xc") # run the inversion mopt = inv.run(m0) return mopt, invProb.dpred, survey.dobs def run(runIt=False, plotIt=True, saveIt=False, saveFig=False, cleanup=True): """ Run the bookpurnong 1D stitched RESOLVE inversions. :param bool runIt: re-run the inversions? Default downloads and plots saved results :param bool plotIt: show the plots? :param bool saveIt: save the re-inverted results? :param bool saveFig: save the figure :param bool cleanup: remove the downloaded results """ # download the data downloads, directory = download_and_unzip_data() # Load resolve data resolve = h5py.File(os.path.sep.join([directory, "booky_resolve.hdf5"]), "r") river_path = resolve["river_path"][()] # River path nSounding = resolve["data"].shape[0] # the # of soundings # Bird height from surface b_height_resolve = resolve["src_elevation"][()] # fetch the frequencies we are considering cpi_inds = [0, 2, 6, 8, 10] # Indices for HCP in-phase cpq_inds = [1, 3, 7, 9, 11] # Indices for HCP quadrature frequency_cp = resolve["frequency_cp"][()] # build a mesh cs, ncx, ncz, npad = 1.0, 10.0, 10.0, 20 hx = [(cs, ncx), (cs, npad, 1.3)] npad = 12 temp = np.logspace(np.log10(1.0), np.log10(12.0), 19) temp_pad = temp[-1] * 1.3 ** np.arange(npad) hz = np.r_[temp_pad[::-1], temp[::-1], temp, temp_pad] mesh = discretize.CylindricalMesh([hx, 1, hz], "00C") active = mesh.cell_centers_z < 0.0 # survey parameters rxOffset = 7.86 # tx-rx separation bp = -mu_0 / (4 * np.pi * rxOffset ** 3) # primary magnetic field # re-run the inversion if runIt: # set up the mappings - we are inverting for 1D log conductivity # below the earth's surface. actMap = maps.InjectActiveCells( mesh, active, np.log(1e-8), nC=mesh.shape_cells[2] ) mapping = maps.ExpMap(mesh) * maps.SurjectVertical1D(mesh) * actMap # build starting and reference model sig_half = 1e-1 sig_air = 1e-8 sigma = np.ones(mesh.shape_cells[2]) * sig_air sigma[active] = sig_half m0 = np.log(1e-1) * np.ones(active.sum()) # starting model mref = np.log(1e-1) * np.ones(active.sum()) # reference model # initalize empty lists for storing inversion results mopt_re = [] # recovered model dpred_re = [] # predicted data dobs_re = [] # observed data # downsample the data for the inversion nskip = 40 # set up a noise model # 10% for the 3 lowest frequencies, 15% for the two highest relative = np.repeat(np.r_[np.ones(3) * 0.1, np.ones(2) * 0.15], 2) floor = abs(20 * bp * 1e-6) # floor of 20ppm # loop over the soundings and invert each for rxind in range(nSounding): # convert data from ppm to magnetic field (A/m^2) dobs = ( np.c_[ resolve["data"][rxind, :][cpi_inds].astype(float), resolve["data"][rxind, :][cpq_inds].astype(float), ].flatten() * bp * 1e-6 ) # perform the inversion src_height = b_height_resolve[rxind].astype(float) mopt, dpred, dobs = resolve_1Dinversions( mesh, dobs, src_height, frequency_cp, m0, mref, mapping, relative=relative, floor=floor, ) # add results to our list mopt_re.append(mopt) dpred_re.append(dpred) dobs_re.append(dobs) # save results mopt_re = np.vstack(mopt_re) dpred_re = np.vstack(dpred_re) dobs_re = np.vstack(dobs_re) if saveIt: np.save("mopt_re_final", mopt_re) np.save("dobs_re_final", dobs_re) np.save("dpred_re_final", dpred_re) mopt_re = resolve["mopt"][()] dobs_re = resolve["dobs"][()] dpred_re = resolve["dpred"][()] sigma = np.exp(mopt_re) indz = -7 # depth index # so that we can visually compare with literature (eg Viezzoli, 2010) cmap = "jet" # dummy figure for colobar fig = plt.figure() out = plt.scatter(np.ones(3), np.ones(3), c=np.linspace(-2, 1, 3), cmap=cmap) plt.close(fig) # plot from the paper fs = 13 # fontsize # matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = fs plt.figure(figsize=(13, 7)) ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 2)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 2)) # titles of plots title = [ ("(a) Recovered model, %.1f m depth") % (-mesh.cell_centers_z[active][indz]), "(b) Obs (Real 400 Hz)", "(c) Pred (Real 400 Hz)", ] temp = sigma[:, indz] tree = cKDTree(list(zip(resolve["xy"][:, 0], resolve["xy"][:, 1]))) d, d_inds = tree.query(list(zip(resolve["xy"][:, 0], resolve["xy"][:, 1])), k=20) w = 1.0 / (d + 100.0) ** 2.0 w = utils.sdiag(1.0 / np.sum(w, axis=1)) * (w) xy = resolve["xy"] temp = (temp.flatten()[d_inds] * w).sum(axis=1) utils.plot2Ddata( xy, temp, ncontour=100, scale="log", dataloc=False, contourOpts={"cmap": cmap, "vmin": 1e-2, "vmax": 1e1}, ax=ax0, ) ax0.plot(resolve["xy"][:, 0], resolve["xy"][:, 1], "k.", alpha=0.02, ms=1) cb = plt.colorbar(out, ax=ax0, ticks=np.linspace(-2, 1, 4), format="$10^{%.1f}$") cb.set_ticklabels(["0.01", "0.1", "1", "10"]) cb.set_label("Conductivity (S/m)") ax0.plot(river_path[:, 0], river_path[:, 1], "k-", lw=0.5) # plot observed and predicted data freq_ind = 0 axs = [ax1, ax2] temp_dobs = dobs_re[:, freq_ind].copy() ax1.plot(river_path[:, 0], river_path[:, 1], "k-", lw=0.5) inf = temp_dobs / abs(bp) * 1e6 print(inf.min(), inf.max()) out = utils.plot2Ddata( resolve["xy"][()], temp_dobs / abs(bp) * 1e6, ncontour=100, scale="log", dataloc=False, ax=ax1, contourOpts={"cmap": "viridis"}, ) vmin, vmax = out[0].get_clim() print(vmin, vmax) cb = plt.colorbar( out[0], ticks=np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), 3), ax=ax1, format="%.1e", fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, ) cb.set_label("Bz (ppm)") temp_dpred = dpred_re[:, freq_ind].copy() # temp_dpred[mask_:_data] = np.nan ax2.plot(river_path[:, 0], river_path[:, 1], "k-", lw=0.5) utils.plot2Ddata( resolve["xy"][()], temp_dpred / abs(bp) * 1e6, ncontour=100, scale="log", dataloc=False, contourOpts={"vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax, "cmap": "viridis"}, ax=ax2, ) cb = plt.colorbar( out[0], ticks=np.logspace(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax), 3), ax=ax2, format="%.1e", fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, ) cb.set_label("Bz (ppm)") for i, ax in enumerate([ax0, ax1, ax2]): xticks = [460000, 463000] yticks = [6195000, 6198000, 6201000] xloc, yloc = 462100.0, 6196500.0 ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks) # ax.plot(xloc, yloc, 'wo') ax.plot(river_path[:, 0], river_path[:, 1], "k", lw=0.5) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.plot(resolve["xy"][:, 0], resolve["xy"][:, 1], "k.", alpha=0.02, ms=1) ax.set_yticklabels([str(f) for f in yticks]) ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_title(title[i]) plt.tight_layout() if plotIt: plt.show() if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("obspred_resolve.png", dpi=200) resolve.close() if cleanup: os.remove(downloads) shutil.rmtree(directory) if __name__ == "__main__": run(runIt=False, plotIt=True, saveIt=True, saveFig=False, cleanup=True) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** ( 0 minutes 1.113 seconds) **Estimated memory usage:** 18 MB .. _sphx_glr_download_content_examples_20-published_plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: plot_booky_1Dstitched_resolve_inv.ipynb ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_