.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "content/examples/20-published/plot_heagyetal2017_casing.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note Click :ref:`here ` to download the full example code .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_content_examples_20-published_plot_heagyetal2017_casing.py: Heagy et al., 2017 Casing Example ================================= Here, we use a primary-secondary approach to compute the sensitivity of an EM survey with respect to a parametric model of a block in a layered space. If you run this example with :code:`reRun=False`, stored results for the sensitivity will be downloaded and plotted. Otherwise, if `reRun=True`, the example will be re-run. Note that you will need modest computational resources to re-compute the sensitivity (it is a 3D EM problem!). There are 6 plots that are produced. Figure 1 shows the primary current density (the current density due to the source, casing and layered background), Figure 2 shows the secondary source - the source current density due to the 3D conductivity structure present only in the secondary problem. Figure 3 shows the predicted data. Figures 4-6 show the sensitivity with respect to each of the 9 model parameters (the conductivity of the background, layer and block, the thickness of the layer and the x and y extents of the block). This example is used in the paper Lindsey J. Heagy, Rowan Cockett, Seogi Kang, Gudni K. Rosenkjaer, Douglas W. Oldenburg, A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 107, 2017, Pages 1-19, ISSN 0098-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2017.06.018. This example is available on figshare: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5036123 This example was updated for SimPEG 0.14.0 on January 31st, 2020 by Joseph Capriotti .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 33-1489 .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-horizontal * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_001.png :alt: Primary Current Density :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_001.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_002.png :alt: (a) -950m Depth Slice :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_002.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_003.png :alt: (a) Total E$_x$, (b) Total E$_y$, (c) Secondary E$_x$, (d) Secondary E$_y$ :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_003.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_004.png :alt: (a) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{back}$), (b) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{back}$), (c) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{layer}$), (d) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{layer}$), (e) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{block}$), (f) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{block}$) :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_004.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_005.png :alt: (g) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt layer $z_0$, (h) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt layer $z_0$, (i) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt layer $h$, (j) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt layer $h$ :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_005.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_006.png :alt: (k) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $x_0$, (l) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $x_0$, (m) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $y_0$, (n) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $y_0$, (o) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $d_x$, (p) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $d_x$, (q) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $d_y$, (r) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $d_y$ :srcset: /content/examples/20-published/images/sphx_glr_plot_heagyetal2017_casing_006.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Skin Depth: [7071.067811865475] Downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/simpeg/papers/Heagyetal2016/Heagyetal2016Casing.hdf5 saved to: /home/vsts/Downloads/simpegtemp/Heagyetal2016Casing.hdf5 Download completed! Getting Primary Problem /home/vsts/work/1/s/examples/20-published/plot_heagyetal2017_casing.py:189: DeprecationWarning: `np.int` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `int`. To silence this warning, use `int` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. When replacing `np.int`, you may wish to use e.g. `np.int64` or `np.int32` to specify the precision. If you wish to review your current use, check the release note link for additional information. Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance: https://numpy.org/devdocs/release/1.20.0-notes.html#deprecations Cyl Mesh Extent xmax: 88864.16819654894,: zmin: -289135.34091688367, zmax: 288135.8409168833 Building primary mapping ... done building primary mapping ... done building primary problem Setting up primary survey ... done building primary survey building secondary mapping Secondary Mesh ... xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax: -16593.292236328125 16593.292236328125 -16593.292236328125 16593.292236328125 -19170.57876586914 18170.57876586914 nC, vnC 137700 (45, 45, 68) ... done building secondary mapping Setting up Secondary Problem ... done setting up secondary problem Building primaryMap2meshs ... done building primaryMap2meshs Setting up Secondary Survey ... done secondary survey Setting up Secondary Survey ... done secondary survey Removing /home/vsts/Downloads/simpegtemp | .. code-block:: default import discretize from SimPEG import utils, maps, tests from SimPEG.electromagnetics import mu_0, frequency_domain as FDEM, analytics from SimPEG.electromagnetics.utils import omega from SimPEG.utils.io_utils import download # try: # from pymatsolver import MumpsSolver as Solver # print('using MumpsSolver') # except ImportError: try: from pymatsolver import Pardiso as Solver except ImportError: from SimPEG import SolverLU as Solver import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import time import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib import rcParams import h5py np.random.seed(42) fontsize = 12 rcParams["font.size"] = fontsize class PrimSecCasingExample(object): NAME = "PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody" # -------------- SETUP MODEL PARAMS ---------------------------- # sigmaair = 1e-8 # air sigmaback = 1e-2 # background sigmacasing = 5.5e6 # casing sigmainside = 1 # inside the casing mucasing = 50 # casing permeability casing_l = 1000 # length of the casing casing_d = 10e-2 # 10cm diameter casing casing_t = 1e-2 # 1cm thickness # layer sigmalayer = 1.0 / 10.0 layer_z = np.r_[-1000.0, -900.0] # 3D body sigmablock = 2.0 block_x = np.r_[75.0, 475.0] block_y = np.r_[-125, 125.0] block_z = layer_z # Survey Params freqs = np.r_[0.5] # frequencies 0.5 dsz = -950.0 # down-hole z source location src_a = np.r_[0.0, 0.0, dsz] src_b = np.r_[1e4, 0.0, 0.0] # return electrode is a ring, 200 def __init__(self): # translate casing parameters to radial distances to outer casing wall, # inner casing wall, and casing length to z locations self.casing_r = self.casing_d / 2.0 self.casing_a = self.casing_r - self.casing_t / 2.0 # inner radius self.casing_b = self.casing_r + self.casing_t / 2.0 # outer radius self.casing_z = np.r_[-self.casing_l, 0.0] # Display skin depth so we can ensure our mesh goes further. print( "\nSkin Depth: {}".format( [(500.0 / np.sqrt(self.sigmaback * _)) for _ in self.freqs] ) ) # -------------- Model --------------------------------- # @property def mtrue(self): # This is the model we are using to compute the sensitivity. Each of # these parameters would be considered unknown in an inversion. This # model is of a parametrized block in a layer # # +--------------------------------------+ # | | # | | # | background | # | | # | | # +--------------------+-------+---------+ # | | | | # | layer | block | | # | | | | # +--------------------+-------+---------+ # | | # | | # | background | # | | # | | # +--------------------------------------+ return np.hstack( np.r_[ np.log(self.sigmaback), # value in background np.log(self.sigmalayer), # value in the layer np.log(self.sigmablock), # value in the block self.layer_z.mean(), # layer center self.layer_z[1] - self.layer_z[0], # layer thickness self.block_x.mean(), # block x_0 self.block_y.mean(), # block y_0 self.block_x[1] - self.block_x[0], # block dx self.block_y[1] - self.block_y[0], # block dy ] ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------- PRIMARY PROBLEM SETUP ---------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def meshp(self): if getattr(self, "_meshp", None) is None: # -------------- Mesh Parameters ------------------ # # x-direction csx1, csx2 = 2.5e-3, 25.0 # fine cells near well bore pfx1, pfx2 = 1.3, 1.4 # padding factors: fine -> uniform ncx1 = np.ceil(self.casing_b / csx1 + 2) # number of fine cells # (past casing wall) dx2 = 1000.0 # uniform mesh out to here npadx2 = 21 # padding out to infinity # z-direction csz = 0.05 # finest z-cells nza = 10 # number of fine cells above air-earth interface pfz = pfx2 # padding factor in z-direction # ------------- Assemble the Cyl Mesh ------------- # # pad nicely to second cell size npadx1 = np.floor(np.log(csx2 / csx1) / np.log(pfx1)) hx1a = utils.unpack_widths([(csx1, ncx1)]) hx1b = utils.unpack_widths([(csx1, npadx1, pfx1)]) dx1 = sum(hx1a) + sum(hx1b) dx1 = np.floor(dx1 / csx2) hx1b *= (dx1 * csx2 - sum(hx1a)) / sum(hx1b) # second chunk of mesh ncx2 = np.ceil((dx2 - dx1) / csx2) hx2a = utils.unpack_widths([(csx2, ncx2)]) hx2b = utils.unpack_widths([(csx2, npadx2, pfx2)]) hx = np.hstack([hx1a, hx1b, hx2a, hx2b]) # cell size, number of core cells, number of padding cells in the # x-direction ncz = np.int(np.ceil(np.diff(self.casing_z)[0] / csz)) + 10 npadzu, npadzd = 43, 43 # vector of cell widths in the z-direction hz = utils.unpack_widths( [(csz, npadzd, -pfz), (csz, ncz), (csz, npadzu, pfz)] ) # primary mesh self._meshp = discretize.CylindricalMesh( [hx, 1.0, hz], [0.0, 0.0, -np.sum(hz[: npadzu + ncz - nza])] ) print( "Cyl Mesh Extent xmax: {},: zmin: {}, zmax: {}".format( self._meshp.cell_centers_x.max(), self._meshp.cell_centers_z.min(), self._meshp.cell_centers_z.max(), ) ) return self._meshp @property def indActivePrimary(self): return self.meshp.gridCC[:, 2] <= 0.0 # air cells @property def projectionMapPrimary(self): return maps.Projection(nP=9, index=np.r_[0, 1, 3, 4]) @property def primaryMapping(self): # Setup Pimary Maps: # we want to simulate on a physical property model that # consists of casing in a layered background. Air cells are included. # Our "model", that we are considering when computing the sensitivity, # consists of the layered background and block, so the casing and air # cells are inactive parts of the model and need to be appropriately # injected during the construction of the primary model if getattr(self, "_primaryMapping", None) is None: print("Building primary mapping") # inject parameters we want to invert for into the full casing # model valInactive = np.r_[ np.log(self.sigmacasing), # log conductivity of the casing np.log(self.sigmainside), # log conductivity fluid inside # casing self.casing_r, # radius of the casing (to its center) self.casing_t, # casing thickness self.casing_z[0], # bottom of casing (at depth) self.casing_z[1], # top of casing (at surface) ] # inject casing parameters so they are included in the construction # of the layered background + casing injectCasingParams = maps.InjectActiveCells( None, indActive=np.r_[0, 1, 4, 5], valInactive=valInactive, nC=10 ) # maps a list of casing parameters to the cyl mesh (below the # subsurface) paramMapPrimary = maps.ParametricCasingAndLayer( self.meshp, indActive=self.indActivePrimary, slopeFact=1e4 ) # inject air cells injActMapPrimary = maps.InjectActiveCells( self.meshp, self.indActivePrimary, np.log(self.sigmaair) ) # map from log conductivity to conductivity expMapPrimary = maps.ExpMap(self.meshp) # assemble the primary mapping primaryMapping = ( expMapPrimary * injActMapPrimary # log(sigma) --> sigma * paramMapPrimary # log(sigma) below surface --> include air * injectCasingParams # parametric --> casing + layered earth * # parametric layered earth --> parametric # layered earth + casing self.projectionMapPrimary # grab relevant parameters from full # model (eg. ignore block) ) self._paramMapPrimary = paramMapPrimary self._primaryMapping = primaryMapping print("... done building primary mapping") return self._primaryMapping @property def muModel(self): # Mu Model # here, we want to consider variable magnetic permeability in the # simulation. The only permeable item in the domain is the casing. if getattr(self, "_muModel", None) is None: if getattr(self, "_paramMapPrimary", None) is None: self.primaryMapping muMap = ( maps.InjectActiveCells(self.meshp, self.indActivePrimary, mu_0) * self._paramMapPrimary ) muModel = muMap * np.hstack( np.r_[ mu_0, # val Background mu_0, # val Layer mu_0 * self.mucasing, # val Casing mu_0, # val inside Casing self.layer_z.mean(), # layer center self.layer_z[1] - self.layer_z[0], # layer thickness self.casing_r, # casing radius self.casing_t, # casing thickness self.casing_z[0], # casing bottom self.casing_z[1], # casing top ] ) self._muModel = muModel return self._muModel @property def primaryProblem(self): if getattr(self, "_primaryProblem", None) is None: # define a custom prop map to include variable mu that we are not # inverting for - This will change when we improve the propmap! print("Getting Primary Problem") # class CasingEMPropMap(maps.PropMap): # sigma = maps.Property( # "Electrical Conductivity", defaultInvProp=True, # propertyLink=('rho', maps.ReciprocalMap) # ) # mu = maps.Property( # "Inverse Magnetic Permeability", # defaultVal=self.muModel, # propertyLink=('mui', maps.ReciprocalMap) # ) # rho = maps.Property( # "Electrical Resistivity", # propertyLink=('sigma', maps.ReciprocalMap) # ) # mui = maps.Property( # "Inverse Magnetic Permeability", # defaultVal=1./self.muModel, # propertyLink=('mu', maps.ReciprocalMap) # ) # # set the problem's propmap # FDEM.Simulation3DMagneticField.PropMap = CasingEMPropMap # use H-J formulation for source with vertical current density and # cylindrical symmetry (h faster on cyl --> less edges than faces) primaryProblem = FDEM.Simulation3DMagneticField( self.meshp, sigmaMap=self.primaryMapping ) primaryProblem.mu = self.muModel primaryProblem.solver = Solver self._primaryProblem = primaryProblem print("... done building primary problem") return self._primaryProblem @property def primarySurvey(self): if getattr(self, "_primarySurvey", None) is None: print("Setting up primary survey") def setupPrimarySource(plotIt=False): # Construct a downhole source that is coupled to the casing meshp = self.meshp src_a = self.src_a src_b = self.src_b casing_a = self.casing_a # downhole source dg_x = np.zeros(meshp.vnF[0], dtype=complex) dg_y = np.zeros(meshp.vnF[1], dtype=complex) dg_z = np.zeros(meshp.vnF[2], dtype=complex) # vertically directed wire in borehole # go through the center of the well dgv_indx = meshp.gridFz[:, 0] < meshp.h[0].min() dgv_indz = (meshp.gridFz[:, 2] >= src_a[2]) & ( meshp.gridFz[:, 2] <= src_b[2] ) dgv_ind = dgv_indx & dgv_indz dg_z[dgv_ind] = -1.0 # couple to the casing downhole - top part dgh_indx = meshp.gridFx[:, 0] <= casing_a + meshp.h[0].min() * 2 # couple to the casing downhole - bottom part dgh_indz2 = (meshp.gridFx[:, 2] <= src_a[2]) & ( meshp.gridFx[:, 2] > src_a[2] - meshp.h[2].min() ) dgh_ind2 = dgh_indx & dgh_indz2 dg_x[dgh_ind2] = 1.0 # horizontally directed wire sgh_indx = meshp.gridFx[:, 0] <= src_b[0] sgh_indz = (meshp.gridFx[:, 2] > meshp.h[2].min()) & ( meshp.gridFx[:, 2] < 2 * meshp.h[2].min() ) sgh_ind = sgh_indx & sgh_indz dg_x[sgh_ind] = -1.0 # return electrode sgv_indx = (meshp.gridFz[:, 0] > src_b[0] * 0.9) & ( meshp.gridFz[:, 0] < src_b[0] * 1.1 ) sgv_indz = (meshp.gridFz[:, 2] >= -meshp.h[2].min()) & ( meshp.gridFz[:, 2] < 2 * meshp.h[2].min() ) sgv_ind = sgv_indx & sgv_indz dg_z[sgv_ind] = 1.0 # assemble the source (downhole grounded primary) dg = np.hstack([dg_x, dg_y, dg_z]) dg_p = [ FDEM.Src.RawVec_e([], _, dg / meshp.face_areas) for _ in self.freqs ] # if plotIt: # # Plot the source to make sure the path is infact # # connected # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) # meshp.plot_grid(ax=ax) # ax.plot(meshp.gridFz[dgv_ind, 0], meshp.gridFz[dgv_ind, 2], 'rd') # ax.plot(meshp.gridFx[dgh_ind2, 0], meshp.gridFx[dgh_ind2, 2], 'rd') # ax.plot(meshp.gridFz[sgv_ind, 0], meshp.gridFz[sgv_ind, 2], 'rd') # ax.plot(meshp.gridFx[sgh_ind, 0], meshp.gridFx[sgh_ind, 2], 'rd') # ax.set_title('downhole casing source on mesh') # ax.set_xlim([0, 1.1e4]) # ax.set_ylim([-1100., 0.5]) return dg_p source_list = setupPrimarySource() # create primary source self._primarySurvey = FDEM.Survey(source_list) # primary survey print("... done building primary survey") return self._primarySurvey def solvePrimary(self, primaryProblem, m=None, saveFields=False): if m is None: m = self.mtrue print("solving primary ...") t0 = time.time() primfields = primaryProblem.fields(m) t1 = time.time() print("Done solving primary fields, time {} ".format(t1 - t0)) return primfields def plotPrimaryMesh(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) self.meshp.plot_grid(ax=ax) plt.title("Cyl Mesh") return ax def plotPrimaryProperties(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4)) f = self.meshp.plot_image( self.muModel / mu_0, ax=ax[0], pcolor_opts={"cmap": plt.get_cmap("viridis")}, grid=False, ) plt.colorbar(f[0], ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_xlim([0, 1.0]) ax[0].set_ylim([-1.5e3, 500]) ax[0].set_title("mu_r") f = self.meshp.plot_image( np.log10(self.primaryMapping * self.mtrue), ax=ax[1], pcolor_opts={"cmap": plt.get_cmap("viridis")}, grid=False, ) plt.colorbar(f[0], ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_xlim([0, 1.0]) ax[1].set_ylim([-1.5e3, 500]) ax[1].set_title("log10 sigma") plt.tight_layout() return ax # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------- SECONDARY PROBLEM SETUP -------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------- MESH -------------------------------------------- # @property def meshs(self): if getattr(self, "_meshs", None) is None: csx, ncx, npadx = 50, 21, 12 csy, ncy, npady = 50, 21, 12 csz, ncz, npadz = 25, 40, 14 pf = 1.5 hx = utils.unpack_widths([(csx, npadx, -pf), (csx, ncx), (csx, npadx, pf)]) hy = utils.unpack_widths([(csy, npady, -pf), (csy, ncy), (csy, npady, pf)]) hz = utils.unpack_widths([(csz, npadz, -pf), (csz, ncz), (csz, npadz, pf)]) x0 = np.r_[-hx.sum() / 2.0, -hy.sum() / 2.0, -hz[: npadz + ncz].sum()] self._meshs = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], x0=x0) print("Secondary Mesh ... ") print( " xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax: ", self._meshs.cell_centers_x.min(), self._meshs.cell_centers_x.max(), self._meshs.cell_centers_y.min(), self._meshs.cell_centers_y.max(), self._meshs.cell_centers_z.min(), self._meshs.cell_centers_z.max(), ) print(" nC, vnC", self._meshs.nC, self._meshs.vnC) return self._meshs @property def indActive(self): return self.meshs.gridCC[:, 2] <= 0.0 # air cells @property def injActMap(self): return maps.InjectActiveCells(self.meshs, self.indActive, np.log(self.sigmaair)) @property def expMap(self): return maps.ExpMap(self.meshs) @property def mapping(self): # secondary mapping # here, we construct the parametric mapping to take the parameters # describing the block in a layered space and map it to a conductivity # model on our mesh if getattr(self, "_mapping", None) is None: print("building secondary mapping") paramMap = maps.ParametricBlockInLayer(self.meshs, indActive=self.indActive) self._mapping = ( self.expMap * self.injActMap # log sigma --> sigma * paramMap # inject air cells # block in a layered space (subsurface) ) print("... done building secondary mapping") return self._mapping @property def primaryMap2meshs(self): if getattr(self, "_primaryMap2mesh", None) is None: # map the primary model to the secondary mesh (layer without the # block) print("Building primaryMap2meshs") paramMapPrimaryMeshs = maps.ParametricLayer( self.meshs, indActive=self.indActive ) self._primaryMap2mesh = ( self.expMap * self.injActMap # log sigma --> sigma * paramMapPrimaryMeshs # include air cells * self.projectionMapPrimary # parametrized layer # grab correct indices ) print("... done building primaryMap2meshs") return self._primaryMap2mesh # -------------- PROBLEM and SURVEY ---------------------------- # def setupSecondaryProblem(self, mapping=None): print("Setting up Secondary Problem") if mapping is None: mapping = [("sigma", maps.IdentityMap(self.meshs))] sec_problem = FDEM.Simulation3DElectricField(self.meshs, sigmaMap=mapping) sec_problem.solver = Solver print("... done setting up secondary problem") return sec_problem def setupSecondarySurvey(self, primaryProblem, primarySurvey, map2meshSecondary): print("Setting up Secondary Survey") nx = 41 ny = nx rx_x, rx_y = 2 * [np.linspace(-2050, 2050, nx)] self.rxlocs = utils.ndgrid([rx_x, rx_y, np.r_[-1]]) self.rx_x = self.rxlocs[:, 0].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") self.rx_y = self.rxlocs[:, 1].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") rx_ex = FDEM.Rx.PointElectricField( self.rxlocs, orientation="x", component="real" ) rx_ey = FDEM.Rx.PointElectricField( self.rxlocs, orientation="y", component="real" ) RxList = [rx_ex, rx_ey] sec_src = [ FDEM.Src.PrimSecMappedSigma( RxList, freq, primaryProblem, primarySurvey, map2meshSecondary=map2meshSecondary, ) for freq in self.freqs ] print("... done secondary survey") return FDEM.Survey(sec_src) # -------------- SOLVE ---------------------------- # def solveSecondary(self, sec_problem, sec_survey, m, plotIt=False): sec_problem.survey = sec_survey print("Solving Secondary") t0 = time.time() fields = sec_problem.fields(m) dpred = sec_problem.dpred(m, f=fields) t1 = time.time() print(" ...done. secondary time "), t1 - t0 return fields, dpred # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------ PLOTTING ------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # def plotPrimaryFields(self, primaryFields, saveFig=False): # Interpolate onto a cartesian mesh with uniform cell sizes (better for # streamplots) cs = 5.0 xmax = 1000.0 zmax = 1200.0 csx, ncx = cs, np.ceil(xmax / cs) csz, ncz = cs, np.ceil(zmax / cs) # define the tensor mesh meshcart = discretize.TensorMesh( [[(csx, ncx)], [(csx, 1)], [(csz, ncz)]], [0, -csx / 2.0, -zmax] ) projF = self.meshp.get_interpolation_matrix_cartesian_mesh(meshcart, "F") jcart = projF * primaryFields[:, "j"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 7.75)) f = meshcart.plot_slice( jcart.real, normal="Y", v_type="F", view="vec", pcolor_opts={"norm": LogNorm(), "cmap": plt.get_cmap("viridis")}, stream_opts={"color": "k", "arrowsize": 2}, ax=ax, ) plt.colorbar(f[0], label="real current density (A/m$^2$)") ax.set_adjustable("box") ax.axis("equal") ax.set_ylim([-1200.0, 0.0]) ax.set_xlim([0.0, 750.0]) ax.set_title("Primary Current Density") ax.set_xlabel("radius (m)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("z (m)", fontsize=fontsize) if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("primaryCurrents", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") return ax def plotSecondarySource(self, primaryFields, saveFig=False): # get source term secondaryProblem = self.setupSecondaryProblem(mapping=self.mapping) secondaryProblem.solver = Solver self.primaryProblem.solver = Solver secondaryProblem.model = self.mtrue secondarySurvey = self.setupSecondarySurvey( self.primaryProblem, self.primarySurvey, self.primaryMap2meshs ) src = secondarySurvey.source_list[0] s_e = src.s_e(secondaryProblem, f=primaryFields) # Mesh to interpolate onto for stream plots cs = 5.0 csz = 0.5 xmin, xmax = -600.0, 600.0 ymin, ymax = -600.0, 600.0 zmin, zmax = -950.0 - csz / 2.0, -950.0 + csz / 2.0 ncx = np.ceil((xmax - xmin) / cs) ncy = np.ceil((ymax - ymin) / cs) ncz = np.ceil((zmax - zmin) / cs) meshs_plt = discretize.TensorMesh( [[(cs, ncx)], [(cs, ncy)], [(cs, ncz)]], [ xmin + (xmin + xmax) / 2.0, ymin + (ymin + ymax) / 2.0, zmin + (zmin + zmax) / 2.0, ], ) # Construct interpolation matrices Px = self.meshs.get_interpolation_matrix(meshs_plt.gridEx, location_type="Ex") Py = self.meshs.get_interpolation_matrix(meshs_plt.gridEy, location_type="Ey") Pz = self.meshs.get_interpolation_matrix(meshs_plt.gridEz, location_type="Ez") P = sp.vstack([Px, Py, Pz]) # for regions outside of the anomalous block, the source current # density is identically zero. For plotting, we do not want to # interpolate into this region, so we build up masked arrays. maskme_ex = ( (self.meshs.gridEx[:, 0] <= self.block_x[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEx[:, 0] >= self.block_x[1]) | (self.meshs.gridEx[:, 1] <= self.block_y[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEx[:, 1] >= self.block_y[1]) ) maskme_ey = ( (self.meshs.gridEy[:, 0] <= self.block_x[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEy[:, 0] >= self.block_x[1]) | (self.meshs.gridEy[:, 1] <= self.block_y[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEy[:, 1] >= self.block_y[1]) ) maskme_ez = ( (self.meshs.gridEz[:, 0] <= self.block_x[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEz[:, 0] >= self.block_x[1]) | (self.meshs.gridEz[:, 1] <= self.block_y[0]) | (self.meshs.gridEz[:, 1] >= self.block_y[1]) ) maskme_e = np.hstack([maskme_ex, maskme_ey, maskme_ez]) # interpolate down a layer s_e_interp = s_e.real.copy() s_e_interp[maskme_e] = np.nan s_e_plt = P * s_e_interp # keep masked array for stream plots s_e_stream_cc = meshs_plt.aveE2CCV * s_e_plt # re-assign zero for amplitude of the real current density s_e_abs_cc = s_e_stream_cc.reshape(meshs_plt.nC, 3, order="F") s_e_abs_cc = np.sqrt((s_e_abs_cc ** 2.0).sum(axis=1)) s_e_abs_cc[np.isnan(s_e_abs_cc)] = 0.0 s_e_stream_cc = np.ma.masked_where(np.isnan(s_e_stream_cc), s_e_stream_cc) # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.5, 6)) # f = meshs_plt.plot_slice( # np.ma.masked_where(maskme_e, s_e_plt.real), # normal='Z', # v_type='CCv', # view='abs', # pcolor_opts={'cmap':plt.get_cmap('viridis')}, ax=ax # ) f = ax.pcolormesh( meshs_plt.cell_centers_x, meshs_plt.cell_centers_y, (s_e_abs_cc).reshape(meshs_plt.vnC[:2], order="F").T, cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"), ) ax.streamplot( meshs_plt.cell_centers_x, meshs_plt.cell_centers_y, s_e_stream_cc[: meshs_plt.nC].reshape(meshs_plt.vnC[:2]), s_e_stream_cc[meshs_plt.nC : meshs_plt.nC * 2].reshape(meshs_plt.vnC[:2]), density=1.5, color="k", arrowsize=2, ) ax.set_xlabel("x (m)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("y (m)", fontsize=fontsize) cb = plt.colorbar(f, label="real current density (A/m$^2$)") cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0)) cb.update_ticks() ax.set_adjustable("box") ax.axis("equal") ax.axis([-600, 600, -600, 600]) ax.set_title("(a) -950m Depth Slice", fontsize=fontsize) # interact(plotMe, ind=[0, meshs_plt.vnC[2]-1]) if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("secondarySource", dpi=300) return ax def plotData(self, data_block, data_back, saveFig=False): XLIM = np.r_[-1500, 1500] YLIM = np.r_[-1500, 1500] sec_survey = self.setupSecondarySurvey( self.primaryProblem, self.primarySurvey, self.primaryMap2meshs ) src = sec_survey.source_list[0] rx0 = src.receiver_list[0] nx = int(np.sqrt(len(rx0.locations))) ny = nx def plotDataFun( ax, plotme, num=50, plotBlock=True, xlim=XLIM, ylim=YLIM, clim=None, clabel="Electric Field (V/m)", xlabel="x (m)", ylabel="y (m)", title=None, ): if clim is None: clim = np.absolute(plotme).max() * np.r_[-1.0, 1.0] elif clim is not None: clim = clim f = ax.contourf( self.rx_x, self.rx_y, plotme, num, cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"), vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], ) ax.set_adjustable("box") ax.axis("equal") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) cb = plt.colorbar(f, ax=ax, label=clabel) cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0)) cb.update_ticks() if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if plotBlock: ax.plot( np.r_[ self.block_x[0], self.block_x[0], self.block_x[1], self.block_x[1], self.block_x[0], ], np.r_[ self.block_y[0], self.block_y[1], self.block_y[1], self.block_y[0], self.block_y[0], ], color="w", linestyle="-", ) return ax ncontours = 50 fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10)) ax = utils.mkvc(ax) plotx0 = (data_block[: rx0.nD]).reshape(nx, ny, order="F") ploty0 = (data_block[rx0.nD :]).reshape(nx, ny, order="F") plotx1 = (data_block[: rx0.nD] - data_back[: rx0.nD]).reshape(nx, ny, order="F") ploty1 = (data_block[rx0.nD :] - data_back[rx0.nD :]).reshape(nx, ny, order="F") # Plotting ax[0] = plotDataFun(ax[0], plotx0, num=ncontours, title="(a) Total E$_x$") ax[1] = plotDataFun(ax[1], plotx1, num=ncontours, title="(c) Secondary E$_x$") ax[2] = plotDataFun(ax[2], ploty0, num=ncontours, title="(b) Total E$_y$") ax[3] = plotDataFun(ax[3], ploty1, num=ncontours, title="(d) Secondary E$_y$") plt.tight_layout() if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("casingDpred", dpi=300) def plotSensitivities(self, J, saveFig=False): def plotJ( ax, Jv, title, plotGrid=False, xlabel="x (m)", ylabel="y (m)", xlim=None, ylim=None, clim=None, climCenter=True, plotBlock=False, num=30, norm=None, cblabel="", ): eps = 1e-3 # just so we don't get white-spaces in the colormap ax.axis("equal") vlim = np.absolute(Jv).max() * np.r_[-1.0, 1.0] if norm is None: f = ax.contourf( self.rx_x, self.rx_y, Jv, levels=np.linspace(vlim[0], vlim[1], num), cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"), vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1], ) cb = plt.colorbar(f, ax=ax, label=cblabel) cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0)) ticks = [ "{0:1.1e}".format(a) for a in np.linspace(0.95 * vlim[0], 0.95 * vlim[1], 5) ] ticks = [float(t) for t in ticks] cb.set_ticks(ticks) cb.update_ticks() elif norm.lower() == "lognorm": from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm f = ax.contourf( rx_x, rx_y, np.absolute(Jv), num, cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"), norm=LogNorm(), ) cb = plt.colorbar(f, ax=ax) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if plotGrid: self.meshs.plot_slice( np.nan * np.ones(mesh.nC), normal="Z", grid=True, ax=ax ) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if plotBlock is True: ax.plot( np.r_[ self.block_x[0], self.block_x[0], self.block_x[1], self.block_x[1], self.block_x[0], ], np.r_[ self.block_y[0], self.block_y[1], self.block_y[1], self.block_y[0], self.block_y[0], ], color="w", linestyle="-", ) return ax # Plot Conductivity contribution plotGrid = False plotBlock = True ncontours = 30 xlim = np.r_[-1500, 1500] ylim = np.r_[-1500, 1500] nx, ny = self.rx_x.shape nrx = len(self.rxlocs) J_back_ex = J[0, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_back_ey = J[0, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_layer_ex = J[1, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_layer_ey = J[1, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_block_ex = J[2, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_block_ey = J[2, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") clabelSigs = "Sensitivity (V/m / log($\sigma$))" fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 15)) ax[0][0] = plotJ( ax[0][0], J_back_ex, "(a) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{back}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) ax[0][1] = plotJ( ax[0][1], J_back_ey, "(b) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{back}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) ax[1][0] = plotJ( ax[1][0], J_layer_ex, "(c) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{layer}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) ax[1][1] = plotJ( ax[1][1], J_layer_ey, "(d) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{layer}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) climsigblock = np.r_[-6e-8, 6e-8] ax[2][0] = plotJ( ax[2][0], J_block_ex, "(e) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt log($\sigma_{block}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, clim=climsigblock, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) ax[2][1] = plotJ( ax[2][1], J_block_ey, "(f) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt log($\sigma_{block}$)", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, clim=climsigblock, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel=clabelSigs, ) plt.tight_layout() if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("J_sigmas", dpi=300) # Plot layer contribution fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10)) # ax = utils.mkvc(ax) useaxlim = True xlim = np.r_[-1500.0, 1500.0] ylim = np.r_[-1500.0, 1500.0] J_z0_ex, J_z0_ey = ( J[3, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F"), J[3, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F"), ) J_hz_ex, J_hz_ey = ( J[4, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F"), J[4, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F"), ) ax[0][0] = plotJ( ax[0][0], J_z0_ex, "(g) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt layer $z_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[0][1] = plotJ( ax[0][1], J_z0_ey, "(h) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt layer $z_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[1][0] = plotJ( ax[1][0], J_hz_ex, "(i) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt layer $h$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[1][1] = plotJ( ax[1][1], J_hz_ey, "(j) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt layer $h$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) plt.tight_layout() if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("J_layer", dpi=300) # Block Geometry fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(12, 20)) useaxlim = True xlim = np.r_[-1500.0, 1500.0] ylim = np.r_[-1500.0, 1500.0] J_x0_ex = J[5, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_x0_ey = J[5, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_y0_ex = J[6, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_y0_ey = J[6, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_dx_ex = J[7, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_dx_ey = J[7, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_dy_ex = J[8, :nrx].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") J_dy_ey = J[8, nrx:].reshape(nx, ny, order="F") ax[0][0] = plotJ( ax[0][0], J_x0_ex, "(k) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $x_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[0][1] = plotJ( ax[0][1], J_x0_ey, "(l) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $x_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[1][0] = plotJ( ax[1][0], J_y0_ex, "(m) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $y_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[1][1] = plotJ( ax[1][1], J_y0_ey, "(n) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $y_0$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[2][0] = plotJ( ax[2][0], J_dx_ex, "(o) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $d_x$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[2][1] = plotJ( ax[2][1], J_dy_ex, "(p) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $d_x$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[3][0] = plotJ( ax[3][0], J_dy_ex, "(q) Sensitivity of $E_x$ wrt block $d_y$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) ax[3][1] = plotJ( ax[3][1], J_dy_ey, "(r) Sensitivity of $E_y$ wrt block $d_y$", plotGrid=plotGrid, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, plotBlock=plotBlock, num=ncontours, cblabel="Sensitivity (V/m / m)", ) plt.tight_layout() if saveFig is True: fig.savefig("J_block", dpi=300) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ---------------- Run the example ------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # def run( self, plotIt=False, runTests=False, verbose=True, saveFields=True, saveFig=False ): self.verbose = verbose if plotIt is True: # Plot the Primary Model # self.plotPrimaryMesh() # plot the mesh self.plotPrimaryProperties() # plot mu, sigma # Primary Simulation self.primaryProblem.survey = self.primarySurvey primfields = self.solvePrimary(self.primaryProblem, m=self.mtrue) if saveFields is True: np.save("primaryfields_" + self.NAME, primfields[:, :]) print(" saved %s" % "primaryfields_" + self.NAME) mback = self.mtrue.copy() mback[2] = np.log(self.sigmalayer) # Secondary Problem and Survey sec_problem = self.setupSecondaryProblem(mapping=self.mapping) sec_survey = self.setupSecondarySurvey( self.primaryProblem, self.primarySurvey, self.primaryMap2meshs ) sec_problem.survey = sec_survey # layered earth only (background) background_problem = self.setupSecondaryProblem(mapping=self.primaryMap2meshs) background_survey = self.setupSecondarySurvey( self.primaryProblem, self.primarySurvey, self.primaryMap2meshs ) background_problem.survey = background_survey # -------------- Test the sensitivity ----------------------------- # if runTests: x0 = self.mtrue # Test Block Model def fun(x): return [sec_problem.dpred(x), lambda x: sec_problem.Jvec(self.mtrue, x)] tests.check_derivative(fun, self.mtrue, num=2, plotIt=False) # -------------- Calculate Fields --------------------------------- # # Background t0 = time.time() print("solving background ... ") fieldsback, dpredback = self.solveSecondary( background_problem, background_survey, self.mtrue ) t1 = time.time() print("... done. dpred_back {}".format(t1 - t0)) if saveFields: np.save("dpred_" + self.NAME + "_back", dpredback) np.save("fields_" + self.NAME + "_back", fieldsback[:, :]) print(" saved {}".format(self.NAME + "_back")) # with Block t0 = time.time() print("solving with block ... ") fields, dpred = self.solveSecondary(sec_problem, sec_survey, self.mtrue) print("... done. dpred {}".format(t1 - t0)) if saveFields: np.save("dpred_" + self.NAME, dpred) np.save("fields_" + self.NAME, fields[:, :]) print(" saved {}".format(self.NAME)) t1 = time.time() # -------------- Calculate J --------------------------------- # # Calculate J with block print("starting J with block") t0 = time.time() J = [] for i in range(len(self.mtrue)): ei = np.zeros_like(self.mtrue) ei[i] = 1.0 J.append(sec_problem.Jvec(self.mtrue, ei, f=fields)) J = np.vstack(J) t1 = time.time() print(" J {}".format(t1 - t0)) if saveFields is True: np.save("J_" + self.NAME, J) print(" saved {}".format("J_" + self.NAME)) return { "primfields": primfields, # primary fields "fieldsback": fieldsback, # fields without block "dpredback": dpredback, # predicted data without block "fields": fields, # fields with block "dpred": dpred, # predicted data with block "J": J, # sensitivity } class PrimSecCasingStoredResults(PrimSecCasingExample): url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/simpeg/papers/Heagyetal2016/" # cloudfiles = [ # 'primaryfields_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody.npy', # 'dpred_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody_back.npy', # 'dpred_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody.npy', # 'J_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody.npy', # ] cloudfile = "Heagyetal2016Casing.hdf5" entry_names = [ "primaryfields_h_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody", "dpred_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody_back", "dpred_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody", "J_PrimSec_5e6Casing_50Mu_05Hz_LargeCondBody", ] def removeStoredResults(self): import shutil print("Removing {}".format(self.filepath)) shutil.rmtree(self.filepath) def run(self, plotIt=False, runTests=False, saveFig=False): filepath = download( self.url + self.cloudfile, folder="~/Downloads/simpegtemp", overwrite=True ) self.filepath = os.path.sep.join(filepath.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]) # resultsFiles = ['{filepath}{slash}{file}'.format( # filepath=self.filepath, slash=os.path.sep, file=file) # for file in self.cloudfiles] # results = [np.load(file, encoding='bytes') for file in resultsFiles] h5f = h5py.File(filepath, "r") results = [h5f[entry_name][:] for entry_name in self.entry_names] results = dict(zip(["primfields", "dpredback", "dpred", "J"], results)) # Put the primary fields into a fields object self.primaryProblem.model = self.mtrue # set the current model self.primaryProblem.survey = self.primarySurvey primaryFields = self.primaryProblem.fieldsPair(self.primaryProblem) primaryFields[self.primarySurvey.source_list[0], "hSolution"] = results[ "primfields" ] results["primfields"] = primaryFields return results def run(plotIt=True, runTests=False, reRun=False, saveFig=False): """ EM Heagyetal2016 CasingFwd3DPrimSecSrc ====================================== Computation of Sensitivities for the primary-secondary example shown in Heagy et al 2016. :param bool plotIt: plot results :param bool runTests: run sensitivity tests? (slow...) :param bool reRun: recompute results? or just download stored results and plot :param bool saveFig: save the figures? """ # recompute results? if reRun is True: casingExample = PrimSecCasingExample() # or download stored results elif reRun is False: casingExample = PrimSecCasingStoredResults() dataDict = casingExample.run(runTests=runTests) # plot some things if plotIt is True or saveFig is True: casingExample.plotPrimaryFields(dataDict["primfields"], saveFig=saveFig) casingExample.plotSecondarySource(dataDict["primfields"], saveFig=saveFig) casingExample.plotData( dataDict["dpred"], dataDict["dpredback"], saveFig=saveFig ) casingExample.plotSensitivities(dataDict["J"], saveFig=saveFig) if plotIt is True: plt.show() # remove the downloaded results if reRun is False: try: casingExample.removeStoredResults() except PermissionError: pass if __name__ == "__main__": run(plotIt=True, runTests=False, reRun=False, saveFig=False) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** ( 3 minutes 36.565 seconds) **Estimated memory usage:** 1436 MB .. _sphx_glr_download_content_examples_20-published_plot_heagyetal2017_casing.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: plot_heagyetal2017_casing.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: plot_heagyetal2017_casing.ipynb ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_