.. _getting_started_developers:
Getting Started: for Developers
- **Purpose:** To download and set up your environment for using and developing within SimPEG.
.. _getting_started_installing_python:
Installing Python
.. image:: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Python-logo-notext.svg/220px-Python-logo-notext.svg.png
:align: right
:width: 100
:target: https://www.python.org/
SimPEG is written in Python_! To install and maintain your Python_
environment, Anaconda_ is a package manager that you can use.
If you and Python_ are not yet acquainted, we highly
recommend checking out `Software Carpentry `_.
.. _Python: https://www.python.org/
.. _Anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
.. _getting_started_working_with_git_and_github:
Working with Git and GitHub
.. image:: https://github.githubassets.com/images/modules/logos_page/Octocat.png
:align: right
:width: 100
:target: http://github.com
To keep track of your code changes and contribute back to SimPEG, you will
need a github_ account and fork the `SimPEG repository `_
(`How to fork a repo `_). Software
.. _github: http://github.com
Next, clone your fork so that you have a local copy. We recommend setting up a
directory called :code:`git` in your home directory to put your version-
controlled repositories. There are two ways you can clone a repository: (1)
from a terminal (checkout: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/set-up-git for an tutorial)::
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/SimPEG
or (2) using a desktop client such as SourceTree_.
.. _SourceTree: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
.. image:: ../../images/sourceTreeSimPEG.png
:align: center
:width: 400
:target: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
If this is your first time managing a github_ repository through SourceTree_,
it is also handy to set up the remote account so it remembers your github_
user name and password
.. image:: ../../images/sourceTreeRemote.png
:align: center
:width: 400
For managing your copy of SimPEG and contributing back to the main
repository, have a look at the article: `A successful git branching model
.. _getting_started_setting_up_your_environment:
Setting up your environment
So that you can access SimPEG from anywhere on your computer, you need to add
it to your path. This can be done using symlinks. In your :code:`git` directory,
create a directory called :code:`python_symlinks`.
.. image:: ../../images/gitfolders.png
:align: center
:width: 40%
Open a terminal in this directory and create a symlink for SimPEG ::
ln -s ../SimPEG/SimPEG .
Then, in your shell, you need to add a :code:`PYTHONPATH` variable. For Mac and
Linux, if you are using Z shell (`Oh My Zsh `_ is used by a
lot of SimPEG developers) or bash open the config in a text editor, ie::
nano ~/.zshrc
nano ~/.bash_profile
and add a :code:`PYTHONPATH` variable::
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/Users/USER/git/python_symlinks"
and save and close. If you then restart the terminal, and run::
the output should be::
.. _getting_started_text_editors:
Text Editors
Sublime_ is a text editor used by many SimPEG developers.
.. _Sublime: https://www.sublimetext.com/
You can configure the Sublime so that you can use the sublime
build (Tools / Build) to run Python_ code.
Open your user settings
.. image:: ../../images/sublimeSettings.png
:align: center
:width: 400
and edit them to include the path to your :code:`python_symlinks`::
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"font_size": 11,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
"word_wrap": false
There are a few other things configured here. In particular you will want to
ensure that :code:`"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true` is configured (Python_ is
sensitive to tabs and spaces), that
:code:`"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true` so that your git flow does
not get cluttered with extra spaces that are not actually changes to code and
that :code:`"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true`, so that there is a blank
line at the end of all saved documents. The rest are up to you.
.. _getting_started_jupyter_notebook:
Jupyter Notebook
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter/design/master/logos/Square%20Logo/squarelogo-greytext-orangebody-greymoons/squarelogo-greytext-orangebody-greymoons.svg
:align: right
:width: 100
The SimPEG team loves the `Jupyter notebook`_. It is an interactive
development environment. It is installed it you used Anaconda_ and can be
launched from a terminal using::
jupyter notebook
.. _getting_started_if_all_is_well:
If all is well ...
You should be able to open a terminal within SimPEG/tutorials and run an example, ie.::
python 02-linear_inversion/plot_inv_1_inversion_lsq.py
or you can download and run the :ref:`notebook from the docs `.
.. image:: /content/tutorials/02-linear_inversion/images/sphx_glr_plot_inv_1_inversion_lsq_003.png
You are now set up to SimPEG!
If all is not well ...
Submit an issue_
.. and `change this file`_!
.. _issue: https://github.com/simpeg/simpeg/issues
.. .. _change this file: https://github.com/simpeg/simpeg/edit/main/docs/content/api_getting_started_developers.rst
Advanced: Installing Solvers
Pardiso_ is a direct solvers that can be used for solving large(ish)
linear systems of equations. To install, follow the instructions to download
and install pymatsolver_.
.. _Pardiso: https://www.pardiso-project.org
.. _pymatsolver: https://github.com/rowanc1/pymatsolver
If you open a `Jupyter notebook`_ and are able to run::
from pymatsolver import Pardiso
.. _Jupyter notebook: http://jupyter.org/
then you have succeeded! Otherwise, make an `issue in pymatsolver`_.
.. _issue in pymatsolver: https://github.com/rowanc1/pymatsolver/issues