Frequency-Domain EM (simpeg.electromagnetics.frequency_domain)#

The frequency_domain module contains functionality for solving Maxwell’s equations in the frequency-domain for controlled sources. Where a \(+i\omega t\) Fourier convention is used, this module is used to solve problems of the form:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \nabla \times \vec{E} + i\omega \vec{B} &= - i \omega \vec{S}_m \\ \nabla \times \vec{H} - \vec{J} &= \vec{S}_e \end{align}\end{split}\]

where the constitutive relations between fields and fluxes are given by:

  • \(\vec{J} = (\sigma + i \omega \varepsilon) \vec{E}\)

  • \(\vec{B} = \mu \vec{H}\)


  • \(\vec{S}_m\) represents a magnetic source term

  • \(\vec{S}_e\) represents a current source term



Simulation class for simulating the FEM response over a 1D layered Earth for a single sounding.

Simulation3DElectricField(mesh[, survey, ...])

3D FDEM simulation in terms of the electric field.

Simulation3DMagneticFluxDensity(mesh[, ...])

3D FDEM simulation in terms of the magnetic flux field.

Simulation3DCurrentDensity(mesh[, survey, ...])

3D FDEM simulation in terms of the current density.

Simulation3DMagneticField(mesh[, survey, ...])

3D FDEM simulation in terms of the magnetic field.


receivers.PointElectricField(locations[, ...])

Measure FDEM electric field at a point.


Measure FDEM total field magnetic flux density at a point.


Measure FDEM secondary magnetic flux density at a point.

receivers.PointMagneticField(locations[, ...])

Measure FDEM total magnetic field at a point.

receivers.PointCurrentDensity(locations[, ...])

Measure FDEM current density at a point.


sources.RawVec_e(receiver_list, frequency, ...)

User-provided electric source term (s_e) class.

sources.RawVec_m(receiver_list, frequency, ...)

User-provided magnetic source term (s_m) class.

sources.RawVec(receiver_list, frequency, ...)

User-provided electric (s_e) and magnetic (s_m) source terms.

sources.MagDipole(receiver_list, frequency)

Point magnetic dipole source calculated by taking the curl of a magnetic vector potential.

sources.MagDipole_Bfield(receiver_list, ...)

Point magnetic dipole source calculated with the analytic solution for the fields from a magnetic dipole.

sources.CircularLoop(receiver_list, frequency)

Circular loop magnetic source calculated by taking the curl of a magnetic vector potential.

sources.PrimSecSigma([receiver_list, ...])


sources.PrimSecMappedSigma([receiver_list, ...])

Primary-Secondary Source in which a mapping is provided to put the current model onto the primary mesh.

sources.LineCurrent([receiver_list, ...])

Line current source.


survey.Survey(source_list, **kwargs)

Frequency domain electromagnetic survey



Fields class for storing 3D total electric field solutions.


Fields class for storing 3D total magnetic flux density solutions.


Fields class for storing 3D current density solutions.


Fields class for storing 3D magnetic field solutions.

Base Classes#

survey.Survey(source_list, **kwargs)

Frequency domain electromagnetic survey

sources.BaseFDEMSrc(receiver_list, frequency)

Base FDEM source class

receivers.BaseRx(locations[, orientation, ...])

Base FDEM receivers class.

simulation.BaseFDEMSimulation(mesh[, ...])

Base finite volume FDEM simulation class.


Base class for storing FDEM fields.