
Petrophysically Guided Inversion

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    <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnails">

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    <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip=" This tutorial shows through a joint inversion of Gravity and Magnetic data on an Octree mesh how to use the PGI framework introduced in Astic &amp; Oldenburg (2019) and Astic et al. (2021) to include petrophysical information into geophysical inversions for mutli-physics inversion.">

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  .. image:: /content/tutorials/14-pgi/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_inv_1_joint_pf_pgi_full_info_tutorial_thumb.png


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      <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Joint PGI of Gravity + Magnetic on an Octree mesh using full petrophysical information</div>

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    <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip=" This tutorial shows through a joint inversion of Gravity and Magnetic data on an Octree mesh how to use the PGI framework introduced in Astic &amp; Oldenburg (2019) and Astic et al. (2021) to make geologic assumptions and learn a suitable petrophysical distribution when no quantitative petrophysical information is available.">

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  .. image:: /content/tutorials/14-pgi/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_inv_2_joint_pf_pgi_no_info_tutorial_thumb.png


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      <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Joint PGI of Gravity + Magnetic on an Octree mesh without petrophysical information</div>

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  .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-gallery

    .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python

      :download:`Download all examples in Python source code: 14-pgi_python.zip </content/tutorials/14-pgi/14-pgi_python.zip>`

    .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter

      :download:`Download all examples in Jupyter notebooks: 14-pgi_jupyter.zip </content/tutorials/14-pgi/14-pgi_jupyter.zip>`

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 .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature

    `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery <https://sphinx-gallery.github.io>`_