Richards Flow (simpeg.flow.richards)#

About Richards flow


SimulationNDCellCentered(mesh, ...[, ...])

Richards Simulation

Survey, Sources and Receivers#

receivers.Pressure(locations, times, **kwargs)

Richards pressue receiver class

receivers.Saturation(locations, times, **kwargs)

Richards saturation receiver class

survey.Survey(receiver_list, **kwargs)

Richards flow surve class

Empirical utilities#

empirical.NonLinearModel(mesh, **kwargs)

A non linear model that has dependence on the fields and a model

empirical.BaseWaterRetention(mesh, **kwargs)

empirical.BaseHydraulicConductivity(mesh, ...)

empirical.Haverkamp_theta(mesh[, theta_r, ...])

empirical.Haverkamp_k(mesh[, Ks, KsMap, A, ...])

empirical.haverkamp(mesh, **kwargs)


Holds some default parameterizations for the Haverkamp model.

empirical.Vangenuchten_theta(mesh[, ...])

empirical.Vangenuchten_k(mesh[, Ks, KsMap, ...])

empirical.van_genuchten(mesh, **kwargs)


The RETC code for quantifying the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils, Van Genuchten, M Th, Leij, F J, Yates, S R