Maps: Mesh2Mesh#

This mapping allows you to go from one mesh to another.

Fine Mesh (Original), Course Mesh, Fine Mesh (Interpolated)
import discretize
from simpeg import maps, utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def run(plotIt=True):
    M = discretize.TensorMesh([100, 100])
    h1 = utils.unpack_widths([(6, 7, -1.5), (6, 10), (6, 7, 1.5)])
    h1 = h1 / h1.sum()
    M2 = discretize.TensorMesh([h1, h1])
    V = utils.model_builder.create_random_model(M.vnC, seed=79, its=50)
    v = utils.mkvc(V)
    modh = maps.Mesh2Mesh([M, M2])
    modH = maps.Mesh2Mesh([M2, M])
    H = modH * v
    h = modh * H

    if not plotIt:

    ax = plt.subplot(131)
    M.plot_image(v, ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Fine Mesh (Original)")
    ax = plt.subplot(132)
    M2.plot_image(H, clim=[0, 1], ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Course Mesh")
    ax = plt.subplot(133)
    M.plot_image(h, clim=[0, 1], ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Fine Mesh (Interpolated)")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.323 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 10 MB

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