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TDEM: Waveforms#
In this example, we plot the waveforms available in the TDEM module in addition to the StepOffWaveform

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from simpeg.electromagnetics import time_domain as TDEM
from simpeg.utils import mkvc
nT = 1000
max_t = 5e-3
times = max_t * np.arange(0, nT) / float(nT)
# create the waveforms
ramp_off = TDEM.Src.RampOffWaveform(off_time=max_t)
vtem = TDEM.Src.VTEMWaveform()
trapezoid = TDEM.Src.TrapezoidWaveform(
ramp_on=np.r_[0.0, 1.5e-3], ramp_off=max_t - np.r_[1.5e-3, 0]
triangular = TDEM.Src.TriangularWaveform(
start_time=0.0, peak_time=max_t / 2, off_time=max_t
quarter_sine = TDEM.Src.QuarterSineRampOnWaveform(
ramp_on=np.r_[0.0, 1.5e-3], ramp_off=max_t - np.r_[1.5e-3, 0]
half_sine = TDEM.Src.HalfSineWaveform(
ramp_on=np.r_[0.0, 1.5e-3], ramp_off=max_t - np.r_[1.5e-3, 0]
exponential = TDEM.Src.ExponentialWaveform(
start_time=0.0, peak_time=0.003, off_time=0.005, ramp_on_tau=5e-4
waveforms = dict(
[ramp_off, trapezoid, quarter_sine, vtem, triangular, half_sine, exponential],
# plot the waveforms
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(7, 10))
ax = mkvc(ax)
for a, key in zip(ax, waveforms):
wave = waveforms[key]
wave_plt = [wave.eval(t) for t in times]
a.plot(times, wave_plt)
a.set_xlabel("time (s)")
# deactivate last subplot as it is empty
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.426 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 295 MB