
JointTotalVariation.deriv2(model, v=None)[source]#

Hessian of the regularization function evaluated for the model provided.

Where ϕ(m) is the discrete regularization function (objective function), this method evalutate and returns the second derivative (Hessian) with respect to the model parameters. For a model m consisting of multiple physical properties m1,m2,... such that:


The Hessian has the form:


When a vector (v) is supplied, the method returns the Hessian times the vector:

model(n_param, ) numpy.ndarray

The model; a vector array containing all physical properties.

vnumpy.ndarray, optional

An array to multiply the Hessian by.

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

Hessian of the regularization function evaluated for the model provided. The Hessian of joint total variation with respect to the model times a vector or the full Hessian if v is None.