Go to the end to download the full example code
Maps: ComboMaps#
Invert synthetic magnetic data with variable background values and a single block anomaly buried at depth. We will use the Sum Map to invert for both the background values and an heterogeneous susceptibiilty model.
SimPEG.InvProblem is setting bfgsH0 to the inverse of the eval2Deriv.
***Done using the default solver Pardiso and no solver_opts.***
model has any nan: 0
=============================== Projected GNCG ===============================
# beta phi_d phi_m f |proj(x-g)-x| LS Comment
x0 has any nan: 0
0 5.24e+05 4.55e+06 2.14e-04 4.55e+06 6.29e+01 0
1 2.62e+05 6.33e+04 4.16e-02 7.42e+04 3.51e+01 0
2 1.31e+05 2.09e+04 1.25e-01 3.73e+04 4.95e+01 0
3 6.55e+04 8.85e+03 1.89e-01 2.13e+04 5.59e+01 0 Skip BFGS
4 3.28e+04 2.78e+03 2.44e-01 1.08e+04 4.86e+01 0 Skip BFGS
5 1.64e+04 2.15e+03 2.60e-01 6.42e+03 3.55e+01 1 Skip BFGS
6 8.19e+03 4.09e+02 3.04e-01 2.90e+03 4.79e+01 0
7 4.10e+03 4.07e+02 3.04e-01 1.65e+03 5.04e+01 5 Skip BFGS
Reached starting chifact with l2-norm regularization: Start IRLS steps...
irls_threshold 0.010260314669044564
irls_threshold 0.012016065987648181
8 2.05e+03 1.98e+02 4.35e-01 1.09e+03 2.56e+01 0
9 2.05e+03 2.00e+02 4.65e-01 1.15e+03 3.47e+01 3 Skip BFGS
10 2.05e+03 2.03e+02 4.98e-01 1.22e+03 6.12e+01 0
11 2.05e+03 2.03e+02 5.08e-01 1.24e+03 6.12e+01 14 Skip BFGS
12 2.05e+03 2.13e+02 5.05e-01 1.25e+03 3.24e+01 3
13 2.05e+03 2.09e+02 5.23e-01 1.28e+03 3.43e+01 0
14 2.05e+03 2.16e+02 5.11e-01 1.26e+03 6.04e+01 2
15 1.65e+03 2.33e+02 4.94e-01 1.05e+03 6.13e+01 1 Skip BFGS
16 1.33e+03 2.33e+02 4.67e-01 8.52e+02 3.50e+01 2
17 1.08e+03 2.26e+02 4.41e-01 7.04e+02 3.67e+01 0
18 1.08e+03 2.19e+02 4.13e-01 6.67e+02 5.74e+01 2
19 1.08e+03 2.11e+02 3.98e-01 6.43e+02 5.74e+01 0
20 1.08e+03 2.16e+02 3.64e-01 6.10e+02 4.23e+01 2 Skip BFGS
21 1.08e+03 2.20e+02 3.25e-01 5.72e+02 3.59e+01 1
22 8.64e+02 2.37e+02 2.85e-01 4.83e+02 6.23e+01 0
23 8.64e+02 2.12e+02 2.58e-01 4.35e+02 6.11e+01 0
24 8.64e+02 2.17e+02 2.24e-01 4.11e+02 3.64e+01 1 Skip BFGS
25 8.64e+02 2.07e+02 1.85e-01 3.67e+02 2.99e+01 0
26 8.64e+02 2.15e+02 1.52e-01 3.46e+02 6.23e+01 0 Skip BFGS
27 8.64e+02 2.06e+02 1.30e-01 3.19e+02 2.96e+01 0
Reach maximum number of IRLS cycles: 20
------------------------- STOP! -------------------------
1 : |fc-fOld| = 0.0000e+00 <= tolF*(1+|f0|) = 4.5546e+05
1 : |xc-x_last| = 1.0808e-03 <= tolX*(1+|x0|) = 1.0075e-01
0 : |proj(x-g)-x| = 2.9579e+01 <= tolG = 1.0000e-03
0 : |proj(x-g)-x| = 2.9579e+01 <= 1e3*eps = 1.0000e-03
0 : maxIter = 100 <= iter = 28
------------------------- DONE! -------------------------
from discretize import TensorMesh
from discretize.utils import active_from_xyz
from SimPEG import (
from SimPEG.potential_fields import magnetics
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def run(plotIt=True):
H0 = (50000.0, 90.0, 0.0)
# Create a mesh
dx = 5.0
hxind = [(dx, 5, -1.3), (dx, 10), (dx, 5, 1.3)]
hyind = [(dx, 5, -1.3), (dx, 10), (dx, 5, 1.3)]
hzind = [(dx, 5, -1.3), (dx, 10)]
mesh = TensorMesh([hxind, hyind, hzind], "CCC")
# Lets create a simple Gaussian topo and set the active cells
[xx, yy] = np.meshgrid(mesh.nodes_x, mesh.nodes_y)
zz = -np.exp((xx**2 + yy**2) / 75**2) + mesh.nodes_z[-1]
# We would usually load a topofile
topo = np.c_[utils.mkvc(xx), utils.mkvc(yy), utils.mkvc(zz)]
# Go from topo to array of indices of active cells
actv = active_from_xyz(mesh, topo, "N")
nC = int(actv.sum())
# Create and array of observation points
xr = np.linspace(-20.0, 20.0, 20)
yr = np.linspace(-20.0, 20.0, 20)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xr, yr)
# Move the observation points 5m above the topo
Z = -np.exp((X**2 + Y**2) / 75**2) + mesh.nodes_z[-1] + 5.0
# Create a MAGsurvey
rxLoc = np.c_[utils.mkvc(X.T), utils.mkvc(Y.T), utils.mkvc(Z.T)]
rxLoc = magnetics.Point(rxLoc)
srcField = magnetics.SourceField([rxLoc], parameters=H0)
survey = magnetics.Survey(srcField)
# We can now create a susceptibility model and generate data
model = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
# Change values in half the domain
model[mesh.gridCC[:, 0] < 0] = 0.01
# Add a block in half-space
model = utils.model_builder.addBlock(
mesh.gridCC, model, np.r_[-10, -10, 20], np.r_[10, 10, 40], 0.05
model = utils.mkvc(model)
model = model[actv]
# Create active map to go from reduce set to full
actvMap = maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, actv, np.nan)
# Create reduced identity map
idenMap = maps.IdentityMap(nP=nC)
# Create the forward model operator
prob = magnetics.Simulation3DIntegral(
# Compute linear forward operator and compute some data
data = prob.make_synthetic_data(
model, relative_error=0.0, noise_floor=1, add_noise=True
# Create a homogenous maps for the two domains
domains = [mesh.gridCC[actv, 0] < 0, mesh.gridCC[actv, 0] >= 0]
homogMap = maps.SurjectUnits(domains)
# Create a wire map for a second model space, voxel based
wires = maps.Wires(("homo", len(domains)), ("hetero", nC))
# Create Sum map
sumMap = maps.SumMap([homogMap * wires.homo, wires.hetero])
# Create the forward model operator
prob = magnetics.Simulation3DIntegral(
mesh, survey=survey, chiMap=sumMap, ind_active=actv, store_sensitivities="ram"
# Make sensitivity weighting
# Take the cell number out of the scaling.
# Want to keep high sens for large volumes
wr = (
/ np.r_[homogMap.P.T * mesh.cell_volumes[actv], mesh.cell_volumes[actv]] ** 2.0
# Scale the model spaces independently
wr[wires.homo.index] /= np.max((wires.homo * wr)) * utils.mkvc(
wr[wires.hetero.index] /= np.max(wires.hetero * wr)
wr = wr**0.5
## Create a regularization
# For the homogeneous model
regMesh = TensorMesh([len(domains)])
reg_m1 = regularization.Sparse(regMesh, mapping=wires.homo)
reg_m1.cell_weights = wires.homo * wr
reg_m1.norms = [0, 2]
reg_m1.mref = np.zeros(sumMap.shape[1])
# Regularization for the voxel model
reg_m2 = regularization.Sparse(
mesh, active_cells=actv, mapping=wires.hetero, gradient_type="components"
reg_m2.cell_weights = wires.hetero * wr
reg_m2.norms = [0, 0, 0, 0]
reg_m2.mref = np.zeros(sumMap.shape[1])
reg = reg_m1 + reg_m2
# Data misfit function
dmis = data_misfit.L2DataMisfit(simulation=prob, data=data)
# Add directives to the inversion
opt = optimization.ProjectedGNCG(
invProb = inverse_problem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt)
betaest = directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=1e-2)
# Here is where the norms are applied
# Use pick a threshold parameter empirically based on the distribution of
# model parameters
IRLS = directives.Update_IRLS(f_min_change=1e-3, minGNiter=1)
update_Jacobi = directives.UpdatePreconditioner()
inv = inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[IRLS, betaest, update_Jacobi])
# Run the inversion
m0 = np.ones(sumMap.shape[1]) * 1e-4 # Starting model
prob.model = m0
mrecSum =
if plotIt:
actvMap * model,
pcolor_opts={"cmap": "inferno_r"},
actvMap * sumMap * mrecSum,
pcolor_opts={"cmap": "inferno_r"},
if __name__ == "__main__":
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 25.601 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 59 MB