- class simpeg.directives.UpdateIRLS(cooling_rate=1, cooling_factor=2.0, chifact_start=1.0, chifact_target=1.0, irls_cooling_factor=1.2, f_min_change=0.01, max_irls_iterations=20, misfit_tolerance=0.1, percentile=100.0, verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Directive to control the IRLS iterations for
.- Parameters:
- cooling_rate: int
Number of iterations to cool beta.
- cooling_factor: float
Factor to cool beta.
- chifact_start: float
Starting chi factor for the IRLS iterations.
- chifact_target: float
Target chi factor for the IRLS iterations.
- irls_cooling_factor: float
Factor to cool the IRLS threshold epsilon.
- f_min_change: float
Minimum change in the regularization function to continue the IRLS iterations.
- max_irls_iterations: int
Maximum number of IRLS iterations.
- misfit_tolerance: float
Tolerance for the target misfit.
- percentile: float
Percentile of the function values used to determine the initial IRLS threshold.
- verbose: bool
Print information to the screen.
Target chi factor to start the IRLS process.
Targer chi factor to maintain during the IRLS process.
Beta is divided by this value every
iterations.Cool beta after this number of iterations.
verbose.debug has been deprecated.
Data misfit associated with the directive.
Target chi factor to start the IRLS process.
Inverse problem associated with the directive.
Inversion object associated with the directive.
IRLS threshold parameter (epsilon) is divided by this value every iteration.
Maximum irls iterations.
Various metrics used by the IRLS algorithm.
Tolerance on deviation from the target chi factor, as a fractional percent.
Optimization algorithm associated with the directive.
Tolerance on deviation from the target chi factor, as a fractional percent.
Regularization associated with the directive.
Return simulation for all data misfits.
Return survey for all data misfits
Whether or not to print debugging information.
Adjust the cooling schedule based on the misfit.
()Check on progress of the inversion and start/update the IRLS process.
()Update inversion parameter(s) according to directive at end of inversion.
Initialize the IRLS iterations with l2-norm regularization (mode:1).
(chi_factor)Compute the target misfit from the chi factor.
Start the IRLS iterations by computing the initial threshold values.
Check for stopping criteria of max_irls_iteration or minimum change.
([directiveList])Validate directive.
Galleries and Tutorials using simpeg.directives.UpdateIRLS

1D Inversion of Time-Domain Data for a Single Sounding

Sparse Norm Inversion for Total Magnetic Intensity Data on a Tensor Mesh

Sparse Inversion with Iteratively Re-Weighted Least-Squares

Sparse Norm Inversion of 2D Seismic Tomography Data