- class SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.resistivity.Simulation1DLayers(survey=None, sigma=None, sigmaMap=None, rho=None, rhoMap=None, thicknesses=None, thicknessesMap=None, hankel_filter='key_201_2012', fix_Jmatrix=False, **kwargs)[source]#
1D DC Simulation
A list of properties stored on this object to delete when the model is updated
Whether to fix the sensitivity matrix between iterations.
The hankel filter key.
Electrical resistivity (ohm m) physical property model.
Derivative of Electrical resistivity (Ohm m) wrt the model.
Mapping of the inversion model to Electrical resistivity (Ohm m).
Electrical conductivity (s/m) physical property model.
Derivative of Electrical conductivity (S/m) wrt the model.
Mapping of the inversion model to Electrical conductivity (S/m).
Whether to store the sensitivity matrix.
The DC survey object.
Thicknesses of the layers physical property model.
Derivative of thicknesses of the layers wrt the model.
Mapping of the inversion model to thicknesses of the layers.
(m, v[, f])Compute adjoint sensitivity matrix (J^T) and vector (v) product.
(m, v[, f])Compute sensitivity matrix (J) and vector (v) product.
([m, f])Project fields to receiver locations :param Fields u: fields object :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: data
(m)u = fields(m) The field given the model.
(m[, f, factor])Generate Full sensitivity matrix using central difference
Galleries and Tutorials using SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.resistivity.Simulation1DLayers
Simulate a 1D Sounding over a Layered Earth
Least-Squares 1D Inversion of Sounding Data
Sparse 1D Inversion of Sounding Data
Parametric 1D Inversion of Sounding Data