
class simpeg.maps.Wires(*args)[source]#

Bases: object

Mapping class for organizing multiple parameter types into a single model.

Let p1 and p2 be vectors that contain the parameter values for two different parameter types; for example, electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability. Here, all parameters are organized into a single model m of the form:


The Wires class constructs and applies the basic projection mappings for extracting the values of a particular parameter type from the model. For example:


where P1 is the projection matrix that extracts parameters p1 from the complete set of model parameters m. Likewise, there is a projection matrix for extracting p2. This can be extended to a model that containing more than 2 parameter types.


Each input argument is a tuple (str, int) that provides the name and number of parameters for a given parameters type.



Number of parameters the mapping acts on.


Here we construct a wire mapping for a model where there are two parameters types. Note that the number of parameters of each type does not need to be the same.

>>> from simpeg.maps import Wires, ReciprocalMap
>>> import numpy as np
>>> p1 = np.r_[4.5, 2.7, 6.9, 7.1, 1.2]
>>> p2 = np.r_[10., 2., 5.]**-1
>>> nP1 = len(p1)
>>> nP2 = len(p2)
>>> m = np.r_[p1, p2]
>>> m
array([4.5, 2.7, 6.9, 7.1, 1.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.2])

Here we construct the wire map. The user provides a name and the number of parameters for each type. The name provided becomes the name of the method for constructing the projection mapping.

>>> wire_map = Wires(('name_1', nP1), ('name_2', nP2))

Here, we extract the values for the first parameter type.

>>> wire_map.name_1 * m
array([4.5, 2.7, 6.9, 7.1, 1.2])

And here, we extract the values for the second parameter type then apply a reciprocal mapping.

>>> reciprocal_map = ReciprocalMap()
>>> reciprocal_map * wire_map.name_2 * m
array([10.,  2.,  5.])

Galleries and Tutorials using simpeg.maps.Wires#

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Maps: ComboMaps

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