
SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.utils.convert_survey_3d_to_2d_lines(survey, lineID, data_type='volt', output_indexing=False)[source]#

Convert a 3D survey into a list of local 2D surveys.

Here, the user provides a Survey whose geometry is defined for use in a 3D simulation and a 1D numpy.array which defines the line ID for each datum. The function returns a list of local 2D survey objects. The change of coordinates for electrodes is [x, y, z] to [s, z], where s is the distance along the profile line. For each line, s = 0 defines the A-electrode location for the first source in the source list.


A DC (or IP) survey

lineID(n_data) numpy.ndarray

Defines the corresponding line ID for each datum

data_type{‘volt’, ‘apparent_resistivity’, ‘apparent_conductivity’, ‘apparent_chargeability’}

Data type for the survey.

output_indexingbool, default=``False``

If True output a list of indexing arrays that map from the original 3D data to each 2D survey line.

survey_listlist of SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.resistivity.Survey

A list of 2D survey objects

out_indices_listlist of numpy.ndarray

A list of indexing arrays that map from the original 3D data to each 2D survey line.

Galleries and Tutorials using SimPEG.electromagnetics.static.utils.convert_survey_3d_to_2d_lines#

Convert 3D DC/IP Data to 2D Lines

Convert 3D DC/IP Data to 2D Lines