
class SimPEG.electromagnetics.frequency_domain.sources.MagDipole(receiver_list, frequency, location=None, moment=1.0, orientation='z', mu=1.25663706212e-06, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: SimPEG.electromagnetics.frequency_domain.sources.BaseFDEMSrc

Point magnetic dipole source calculated by taking the curl of a magnetic vector potential. By taking the discrete curl, we ensure that the magnetic flux density is divergence free (no magnetic monopoles!).

This approach uses a primary-secondary in frequency. Here we show the derivation for E-B formulation noting that similar steps are followed for the H-J formulation.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{C} \mathbf{e} + i \omega \mathbf{b} = \mathbf{s_m} \\ {\mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f} \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{M_{\sigma}^e} \mathbf{e} = \mathbf{s_e}}\end{split}\]

We split up the fields and \(\mu^{-1}\) into primary (\(\mathbf{P}\)) and secondary (\(\mathbf{S}\)) components

  • \(\mathbf{e} = \mathbf{e^P} + \mathbf{e^S}\)

  • \(\mathbf{b} = \mathbf{b^P} + \mathbf{b^S}\)

  • \(\boldsymbol{\mu}^{\mathbf{-1}} = \boldsymbol{\mu}^{\mathbf{-1}^\mathbf{P}} + \boldsymbol{\mu}^{\mathbf{-1}^\mathbf{S}}\)

and define a zero-frequency primary simulation, noting that the source is generated by a divergence free electric current

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{C} \mathbf{e^P} = \mathbf{s_m^P} = 0 \\ {\mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f}^P} \mathbf{b^P} - \mathbf{M_{\sigma}^e} \mathbf{e^P} = \mathbf{M^e} \mathbf{s_e^P}}\end{split}\]

Since \(\mathbf{e^P}\) is curl-free, divergence-free, we assume that there is no constant field background, the \(\mathbf{e^P} = 0\), so our primary problem is

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{e^P} = 0 \\ {\mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f}^P} \mathbf{b^P} = \mathbf{s_e^P}}\end{split}\]

Our secondary problem is then

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{C} \mathbf{e^S} + i \omega \mathbf{b^S} = - i \omega \mathbf{b^P} \\ {\mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f} \mathbf{b^S} - \mathbf{M_{\sigma}^e} \mathbf{e^S} = -\mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f}^S} \mathbf{b^P}}\end{split}\]
receiver_listlist of SimPEG.electromagnetics.frequency_domain.receivers.BaseRx

A list of FDEM receivers


Source frequency

location(dim) numpy.ndarray, default: numpy.r_[0., 0., 0.]

Source location.


Magnetic dipole moment amplitude

orientation{‘z’, x’, ‘y’} or (dim) numpy.ndarray

Orientation of the dipole.


Background magnetic permeability



Location of the dipole


Amplitude of the dipole moment of the magnetic dipole (\(A/m^2\))


Magnetic permeability in H/m


Orientation of the dipole as a normalized vector



Compute primary magnetic flux density.


Compute primary magnetic field.


Electric source term (s_e)

s_eDeriv(simulation, v[, adjoint])

Derivative of electric source term with respect to the inversion model


Magnetic source term (s_m)

Galleries and Tutorials using SimPEG.electromagnetics.frequency_domain.sources.MagDipole#

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