
class SimPEG.electromagnetics.viscous_remanent_magnetization.waveforms.StepOff(t0=0.0)[source]#

Bases: SimPEG.electromagnetics.viscous_remanent_magnetization.waveforms.BaseVRMWaveform

Characteristic decay class for step-off waveform


Beginning of the off-time



Beginning of the off-time


getCharDecay(fieldType, times)

Return characteristic decay for step-off waveform.

getLogUniformDecay(fieldType, times, chi0, ...)

Return characteristic decay for a step-off waveform for a log-uniform distribution of time-relaxation constants.

Galleries and Tutorials using SimPEG.electromagnetics.viscous_remanent_magnetization.waveforms.StepOff#

Predict Response from a Conductive and Magnetically Viscous Earth

Predict Response from a Conductive and Magnetically Viscous Earth

Method of Equivalent Sources for Removing VRM Responses

Method of Equivalent Sources for Removing VRM Responses

Response from a Homogeneous Layer for Different Waveforms

Response from a Homogeneous Layer for Different Waveforms

Forward Simulation of VRM Response on a Tree Mesh

Forward Simulation of VRM Response on a Tree Mesh

Forward Simulation Including Inductive Response

Forward Simulation Including Inductive Response