
class SimPEG.electromagnetics.time_domain.sources.CircularLoop(receiver_list=None, location=None, orientation='z', radius=1.0, current=1.0, n_turns=1, mu=1.25663706212e-06, srcType='inductive', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: SimPEG.electromagnetics.time_domain.sources.MagDipole

Circular loop magnetic source calculated by taking the curl of a magnetic vector potential. By taking the discrete curl, we ensure that the magnetic flux density is divergence free (no magnetic monopoles!).

receiver_listlist of SimPEG.electromagnetics.time_domain.receivers.BaseRx

A list of TDEM receivers

location(dim) np.ndarray, default = np.r_[0., 0., 0.]

Source location.

orientation{‘z’, ‘x’, ‘y’} or (3) numpy.ndarray

Loop orientation.

radiusfloat, default = 1.

Loop radius

currentfloat, default = 1.

Source current


Background magnetic permeability

srcType{‘inductive’, “galvanic”}

‘inductive’ to implement as inductive source and ‘galvanic’ to implement as galvanic source

Nint, default = 1

Number of turns in the loop



n_turns.N has been deprecated.


Source current


Dipole moment of the loop.


Number of turns in the loop.


Loop radius

Galleries and Tutorials using SimPEG.electromagnetics.time_domain.sources.CircularLoop#

EM: TDEM: Permeable Target, Inductive Source

EM: TDEM: Permeable Target, Inductive Source

EM: TDEM: 1D: Inversion with VTEM waveform

EM: TDEM: 1D: Inversion with VTEM waveform

Heagy et al., 2017 1D RESOLVE and SkyTEM Bookpurnong Inversions

Heagy et al., 2017 1D RESOLVE and SkyTEM Bookpurnong Inversions

1D Forward Simulation for a Single Sounding

1D Forward Simulation for a Single Sounding

1D Forward Simulation with Chargeable and/or Magnetic Viscosity

1D Forward Simulation with Chargeable and/or Magnetic Viscosity

1D Forward Simulation with User-Defined Waveforms

1D Forward Simulation with User-Defined Waveforms

3D Forward Simulation for Transient Response on a Cylindrical Mesh

3D Forward Simulation for Transient Response on a Cylindrical Mesh

1D Inversion of Time-Domain Data for a Single Sounding

1D Inversion of Time-Domain Data for a Single Sounding